These Master Secrets Can Be At Your Fingertips...

"Revealed": Master Secrets That Will Allow You To Build Massive Vital Energy, Hypnotize Anyone, Manifest What You Desire & Enable You To Become a Total Controller!

Keep Reading to See How You Can Experience The Value of Being a Mind Force Controller...

Finallya Formula That Teaches You Astonishing Esoteric Techniques in No-Time Flat- Without Any Experience Necessary--GUARANTEED!

If you'd like to Learn how to Energize your body,., Hypnotize with power, relax your body, mind & spirit and attract anything you want in life, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.

Here's why:

How much would you pay to have a mentor or teacher who could show you how to get everything in life that you ever wanted and at the same time increase your vitality, health and 

How long would you want to wait to get to where everything in your life is...."Point & Shoot".

You have the concept.......

You think about something and it happens....

You want more money.....And it happens....

You want a better job....And it happens...

You want better health, lose weight, get stronger, better relationships, new relationships, power with the opposite sex....

You just point and shoot, and it happens!

Like a magic wand....It happens...

Is that reality?

For some that know the secrets in this totally put together information system it is....

Now you have the opportunity, if you should want to take it to achieve the maximum that life has to offer...

Now, I know you're probably skeptical. That's normal and healthy. Let me give you three good reasons we can back up what we claim:

Three Reasons To Believe What I Say

Reason One: I've been studying the power of the mind & Qi Energy for over 20 years, and have spent my time, money and effort learning from the very best.....I'm talking about men and women that would blow your mind with the concepts they teach....

The equivalent of having my own private "Yoda" to learn from.

Reason Two: Maybe I'm a little like you, I've been up and I've been down...I've had money, no money and then more money...

An Accident?

A Coincidence?

Never.....All things are born out of thought. Once you know how to program your mind, like I do, whatever you can imagine can come to pass, given the right motivation, effort and time....

Reason Three: Everything I have is a result of me using my mind, body, spirit and every other tool I was taught by my "Master Instructors"...The same tools I will teach you to use in this information...Once you begin to "FEEL THE POWER", you will never let go!

Find Out Why Thousands of Men and Women From All Over The World Have Used These Blueprints for Close to 20 Years...

Are your meditation, qigong, taichi, healing and other esoteric training skills as good as they can be, even if you've been training for many years?

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to really MASTER THE POWER?

Do you feel like you've tried every system of exercise and meditation out there and still seem to get lackluster results? 

Then I have good news for you…

Hi, my name is Al Perhacs and for years i struggled with finding the right system that would work for me. I felt like I was wasting my time until I found these simple techniques that I now call THE MIND FORCE METHOD. Suddenly I got results faster than I could ever have imagined and incresed my energy, vitality and self confidence like a human dynamo!

Here’s What You’re Getting:  Limited time special pricing for this FOUR PATHWAYS OF THE TRIAD METHOD of The Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Society. Each pathway is designed to allow you to fastest pathway for your budget. Each option contains a coaching element.

Access to the online version and live training of one of the 4 Pathways of  THE MIND FORCE QAUNTUM QIGONG HIGH PERFORMANCE COACHING SYSTEM. You’ll be privy to the ONLY training on the planet that will give you the skills that many masters went to their graves with...

In only 4-6 short weeks...As you follow along through each of the modules in this MASTER SYSTEM and attend the weekly live training with Sifu Al Perhacs you will be able to experience a transformation.

Astonishing Concepts, Methods & Techniques That Work Like The Midas Touch Contained in "The Master System" 

The "Master System" is a very specific pathway for you to get results. Each course has been designed to meet you at your needs depending on a few things.

Most people have two big questions-- "How fast will it take to get results?" and "How much is this going to cost me and can I afford it?"

Most people are budget conscious, but would pay to get the kind of skills I’m talking about.

  • Enhanced Qi energy 
  • Mind Force
  • Hypnotic Influence for control and manipulation
  • Psychic power
  • Esoteric meditations
  • Healing

Which one do you want or do you want them all?

The good news is that each pathway is designed to get you to the same goal, yet one will get you there quicker than the others.

It’s the time money continuum....

Some will pay more money upfront, to save more in the long term to get results faster, while others are willing to pay a lot less up front and willing to take more time to get the same results knowing it might cost them more in the long run.

This Training Contains Profound Secrets...

Each course of the system is designed to get engaged and Immersed by using our specific training methods to deliver you results...

I want you to get this to work in as quick a time as possible. I also want to customize it to your situation.

Since this is so comprehensive, it should cover all the bases, but if we need more I can always add more to each one.

This system has been use by thousands of men and women from around the world and now you have this training at a fraction of what most people have paid over the years.

This will prepare you to face your future with renewed confidence and belief that you can manifest your dreams.

The Next Level of High Performance

You'll discover HIGH PERFORMANCE Esoteric Skills that have not been taught outside of my personal students and instructors. In fact many of my personal instructors to this day won't speak to me or even utter my name to their students because I've revealed these methods to others...

Many of these masters went to their grave thinking their secrets would not be revealed...

I made  a promise that if I could get to a high enough level, I would share these things with the world...It's kind of my way of giving back-- More on that later...

  • How to Use the Chi Power Blueprint for Maximum effectiveness
  • The keys to pumping up your Qi like a "human dynamo"
  • The Astonishing Yin & Yang Methods of the Advanced Chi System
  • Learn The Power of Autosuggestion 
  • Discover the key ways to feed your mind the outcomes you want in life
  • Become a Controller 
  • Once you gain control of yourself, you can then control others. Once that happens, you can get anything you want
  • Hypnosis Secrets Revealed
  • Unlock the keys of master mentalists and hypnotists
  • Meditate For Mastery with my truly unigue system
  • Discover why meditation can be your key to the universe
  • Create Internal Mind Force that works like magic
  • Everyone talks about physical power. Learn why Internal power is so far greater
  • Disocver 3rd Eye Power and how to use it
  • Once you open up the 3rd eye, you will understand many of the mysteries of this world
  • Remote Viewing Training Made Simple
  • Psychic spying and other usefull skills. The government does, it now you can too.
  • Remote Sensing Skills That You Won't Believe
  • Feel what is going on around you at all times. Sense danger, good fortune & other sensory perceptions
  • Magnetize anything you want
  • Learn how to attract whatever you want, when you want it.
  • Create a Mind Machine
  • Once you understand you already have the tools, you can perform perfectly
  • Subliminal Suggestions-Find out how to use them in all areas of your life
  • Learn step by step systems for creating wealth and obtaining your goals.
  • Rapid Induction Methods That Work Instantly 
  • Learn how to help someone quit bad habits, like smoking or to lose weight
  • Complete Mind Force & Power Training
  • From beginer to advanced, find out the many ways your mind can be used
  • Once you lear the "Confidence Generator", you'll never be the same
  • This little known technique will allow you to increase your confidence tenfold
  • Hypnotic Devices That actually work
  • 12 Devices that will change the way you look at hypnosis forever
  • Out of Body Experiences and how you can do them
  • Can you gently lift the spirit out of the body? We show you how.
  • ESP Is it Real?
  • Find out how you can get your sensitivity to increase exponentially with some of these potent exercises
  • And much more information thant you can shake a stick at......

You'll Discover Things Like...

Quantum Qigong

  • Build Up Massive Amounts of Physical Qi
  • Development of Yin/Yang Qi
  • Qi Manipulation Skills 
  • Healing with Qi
  • Cultivating Health, Vitality & Internal Power

Hypnotic Influence

  • Hypnosis
  • Self Hypnosis
  • Hypnotic Abundance Methods
  • Subliminal Messaging
  • Persuasion

Esoteric Meditations

  • Controlled Relaxation
  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Out of Body Experiences
  • Remote Viewing
  • Stillness or “Dead Body” Training
psychic abilities

Psychic Power

  • Psychic Perception
  • Psychic Intuition
  • Precognition
  • Mind Reading (several levels)
  • Mind to Mind Communication
  • Clairvoyance
  • Super-Sensitivity & Awareness

Healing Methods

  • Energetic Healing
  • Physical Healing
  • Mental Healing
  • Spiritual Healing
  • Emotional Healing
Law of Attraction | autosuggestions


  • Building a Mind Machine
  • Attracting Health, Wealth, Relationships
  • How to Become “Lucky”
  • Creating the “Magneto” of Attraction

The Proven & Powerful System for Men and Women That Will Transform You into a Powerful Controller!

And it's probably the answer you've been searching for your entire life...

In fact, it was the answer I was seeking all those years ago, but didn't didn't even recognize it at the time...
You see, I started out as a hard core martial artist and the idea of internal energy, chi, qi or ki was considered light weight stuff for guys who couldn't fight...

I was a fighter, not the type of guy that wanted to sit and meditate waiting for the chi to arrive...That was until I met a man through the miracle of VHS tape that my mind was changed...And this was the start of a journey that I've been on for close to 25 years... (MORE ON THIS STORY)

It's Not Your Fault...

LIKE ME, you've probably been deceived by unscrupulous so called gurus offering you secrets but never delivering...

I've been there so many times, I've spent tens of thousands of dollars or more trying to find the hidden knowledge of the universe...

I've been disappointed so many times and so have many of the people who have trusted me to teach them have been ripped off by these low rent crooks...

One of my students called me excitedly because he was flying to meet with a guy who had a reputation as a world class healer, someone who was supposed to be able to heal with a touch.

My student paid $900 to go meet with this man, only to find out he was a total fraud. The "healer" asked my friend into his hotel room and while there, my friend noticed all kinds of medicine bottles in the room that belonged to the "healer" and his wife...

My friend asked him about them and he just said-- Just a little something for when the healing power is not as strong...


My friend got into an argument and demanded his money back. The man objected until my student, who was a martial artist made him an offer he couldn't refuse if he didn't give his $900 back.

Or the time I went to NYC to meet with a Japanese Grandmaster of Ki...

This guy was funny...

Throwing his students all over the room using his "ki". Funny how it didn't work on me.

I showed several of his students some Qi techniques and they were amazed-- Where did you learn that, they asked me?

So TRUST ME, you're not the only one who has been mislead, lied to and instructed a certain "secret technique" that didn't work and would never yield the fruits promised...

Crooks like this have been purposefully misrepresenting the truth to good folks like you and me for a long time...

These "gurus" and so called "masters" have been preying on a trusting public for years, and you've fell victim to their lies so they can make a profit...

The lies that these charlatans tell are so clever, SO convincing, that they fool the smartest of us, including me, I fell for all these lies for years...

Do NOT Buy Any Esoteric Training Unless It Meets The Following Criteria...

  • Will the instructor take the time to mentor you or provide a system (Distilled Learning), so you can get the techniques to work for you?
  • Does the instructor put more importance on lineage & credentials, than actually being able to use Mind Force or Internal Energy?
  • If you put in the proper time, will you learn how to become proficient with the skills being taught? With our course you will.
  • Does the course or instructor offer many different aspects of how to train based on the results you want?
  • Does the course or instructor fully understand the possible side effects involved both mentally, physically and spiritually?
  • Can the instructor actually perform at a high skill level or do they just talk about it?

Learn How to Become a Real Controller of Your Mind, Body & Spirit

Did you know that learning these types of awesome skills will ultimately help you to become a "Controller".

What is a Controller?

It's my term for someone who has developed a skill set that combines Mind Force, Quantum Qigong and other High Performance methods to a proficient level that they are more in control of their life than ever before...

This is significant, because most people are out of control in their lives...That's why they lack energy, vitality, health & many times have mental and emotional issues such as depression that literally freezes them from getting out of life what they truly desire...

Let me, help you to become a Controller by teaching you the methods I've taught men and women from all over the world...

Methods that work for anyone...

Willing to Put in the Flight Time...

Works For Anyone Who Puts in The Proper Flight Time

I call it flight time, but you might call it "Taking Action", "Putting in Reps" or even just studying and then implementing a set of techniques, concepts or exercises until you own it...

That's right-- OWN IT!

These techniques are not just mine, because when you start to become good at this, these skills will become yours because you have put in the proper amount of "Flight Time" to where the technique is second nature to you.

And that's why I'm confident that it works for anyone who is willing to put in the flight time and learn a series of exercises that will change the way you see yourself and others.

This system works so well because it comes with my special delivery system that will allow you to learn and grasp concepts much more easily and effectively than just reading a book or attending a seminar.

The reason this is so effective is because every single one of the concepts I will be teaching you, were built by me for me and my closest students...

That's right, these are the actual methods I've been using for years...

I've removed anything that doesn't work and only keep the things that work effectively...

Most of the people who create courses and system probably have never used them personally, but just write a book and package it with some good marketing to get you to buy it....

With this system, you're getting the real deal-- No fluff!

The Master System Will Hand Over The Keys to The Doorway to Become a Controller...

Being in control is the greatest feeling in the world knowing you have the skills to face any situation be it Mental, Physical or even Spiritual...

That's what this does is prepare you for easily handling the obstacles in your life by not just surviving challenges and problems but by thriving through them because you know the secrets of control and power...

Control and Power are talked about but seldom are they taught in a way that is easily adaptable by anyone at anytime.

I call it...


And now you can have it... 

If you want it bad enough-- How bad do you want to be "THE BALLER", "THE SHOT CALLER", "THE CONTROLLER" of your life?

Most people walk around like they are renting their life-- F- That, now's the time for you to OWN YOUR OWN LIFE AND LIVE IT ON YOUR TERMS-- Because now you can, when You Are a Controller...

Introducing - The Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Master System

I've Stacked The Value to Get You All The Tools You'll Need to Get The Results You Desire...

The Master System Complete Home Study Course ($4,000+ Value)

  • Advanced Chi DVD– $249
  • Advanced Chi DVD Volume 2- $297
  • Chi Power Stick DVD- $197
  • Chi Power Blueprint system– $97
  • Mind Force Library- All 13 Manuals- $97
  • Internal Power Centers– $97
  • Mind Portal– $97
  • Mind Force Attraction– $97
  • Dim Mak– $47
  • Manipulation Course– $147
  • Ultimate Hypnotic Influence– $147
  • Control Factor (self hypnosis)- $97
  • Rapid Fire Hypnosis– $47
  • Hypnotic Influence Boot Camp (3 payments of $67)- $201
  • Power of the Mind System– $47
  • Goal Getting System– $27
  • The Hypnotic Abundance Affect– $100
  • Primordial Protocol Master Class- $497
  • Mind Force Attraction Master Class- $497
  • The Qi Sequence Master Class- $497
  • The Dark Side of Mind Force & Qi- $497

    Total- $4,076

Special Bonus #1-- 60 Days Full Access to The Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Inner Circle Mentoring ($100 Value)

You get 60 days FREE access to the Inner Circle. After 60 days you will be rebilled at the discounted rate of only $49/mo ($99/mo regular price). If you decide to cancel, simply contact our support desk within the 60 days and we will pause your access. 

Special Bonus #2-- Laser Coaching Session with Sifu Perhacs ($300 Value)

Total Value: $4,676

Why Would I Give You Close to $5,0000 Worth of Products For Much Less Than Even Half That Price?

Because I know once you experience the value and the power of these techniques, you'll be back to for any new products I launch in the future...

Remember The Mind Force Master System is NOT Found Anywhere Else But Here...

This information is far too rare and valuable to be carried by any retail store. "The Mind Force Master System" is ONLY available direct from me here on this website. We don’t want this info in the public, that is the entire point. That’s what gives us and our customers such an unfair advantage over our competitors.

Only 100 Copies Of "The Mind Force Master System"
Will Be Released In This Promotion Period (This is a True Limited Time Offer)

I only plan to offer "The Mind Force Master System" to a small group of people at the insanely low price you see below . Why, because my real goal here is not to make money, it’s to make connections.

I will to offer "The Mind Force Master System" for $997+ once I have all the testimonials I need and find some joint venture partners who wish to promote this course themselves.

The good news for you as a customer is you will get to ask questions and offer feedback that will be used to shape the final version months before it hits the market.

Can You Keep These Secrets
"Just Between Us"?

Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement


Because of the rarity and value of the information inside "Mind Force Master System" and because of the benefits and unfair advantage that it gives to my few clients that have it. I must insist that you agree to full confidentiality and non-disclosure or the information. This is NOT negotiable and you cannot access "Mind Force Master System" at any price without agreeing to this one condition.

YES, I agree to not share any of the proprietary information from "Mind Force Master System" with anyone other than my employees or immediate family members. I realize that this is sensitive information and a big part of what makes it work is it’s limited availability. I promise to keep your secrets. Please let me in.

Risk Free Acceptance Form

Yes! I Want Instant Access Now!

Yes Al! I agree to the terms below and understand that this is a limited time offer-- I want to take advantage of your extremely generous offer for The Mind Force Master System. I realize this is a special price and that it will be going up to $997 shortly...

IMPORTANT: You must agree to each line below to be eligible to participate in this special "Members Only" for the Mind Force Master System. By ordering you accept the following terms.

  • I promise to watch every Video, Listen to the MP3 Files on the site at least 2 times so that the information becomes ingrained in my brain...
  • I promise to take careful notes during each Video & MP3 so I can start the process of becoming a "Controller" as soon as possible.
  • I promise that I will not order this information for the sole purpose of copying the information and sending it back for a refund, and understand that any such "suspicious" orders will be screened for possible fraud. This is to protect me and ensure my peace of mind.
  • I understand that upon accepting this form, and placing an investment, I will have immediate access to the Mind Force Master System downloads.
  • I agree that this is the biggest "no brainer" for my personal growth... A low investment for great returns. 
  • I have a full 30 days to test drive this fully packed, explosive offer and know that if I don't receive the value I though I would, that I can simply cancel.

PLUS: You get upgrades for life, anytime I decide to add a video, audio file or manuscript at no additional charge ($997 future value).

Your entire package is waiting for you to claim it. Just $797 gets you instant digital access so you can start attracting your desires today

Have your credit card handy and click the happy orange button below.

The Complete Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Master System (Digital)- Only $797  

 You will receive all of the content in Digital Format. There is no waiting on shipping, you get everything immediately as promised. Here are the items that will be shipped out to you.

  • Advanced Chi DVD– $249
  • Advanced Chi DVD Volume 2- $297
  • Chi Power Stick DVD- $197
  • Chi Power Blueprint system– $97
  • Mind Force Library- All 14 Manuals- $97
  • Internal Power Centers– $97
  • Mind Portal– $97
  • Mind Force Attraction– $97
  • Dim Mak– $47
  • Manipulation Course– $147
  • Ultimate Hypnotic Influence– $147
  • Control Factor (self hypnosis)- $97
  • Rapid Fire Hypnosis– $47
  • Hypnotic Influence Boot Camp (3 payments of $67)- $201
  • Power of the Mind System– $47
  • Goal Getting System– $27
  • The Hypnotic Abundance Affect– $100
  • Primordial Protocol Master Class- $497
  • Mind Force Attraction Master Class- $497
  • The Qi Sequence Master Class- $497
  • The Dark Side of Mind Force & Qi- $497

    Total- $4,076

Warning: This is Not for Everyone...

Very simply, if you're tired of trying to find a system that actually works and you're willing to put in the flight time to get results, then this is probably exactly what you've been seeking. 

Even if you have years of experience with Hypnotic Influence, Chi Power, Meditation, Manifestation, Psychic Energy Law of Attraction and other esoteric practices, this training will provide a breakthrough for you.

Our best students are those who train daily with these exercises and they get amazing results.

If you are looking for magic tricks and something that doesn't take some good old fashioned work, then this isn't for you.

If you are lazy and just looking for some kind of secrets to fall in your lap, this isn't for you.

If you think you can get good just by reading or watching videos, this is not for you. If you're not willing to put in the work and flight time, just forget this and LEAVE THIS PAGE NOW!

Those books/manuals have been best sellers online since 2008. 

Every month I get royalty checks from my publisher from all of the book sales without me ever having to do anything. It's one of the benefits of being a published author...

Although the price right now is less than $1,000, I could raise it at anytime due to the fact that this is primarily a marketing test that you get to benefit from for a very limited time.

The other thing is my publisher could restrict me from offering these in digital format since I have them in hard copy...

I only plan to offer “THE MIND FORCE MASTER SYSTEM” to a small group of beta testers at the insanely low $997  $797 price point . Why, because my real goal here is not to make money, it’s to make connections.

I will look to offer “THE MIND FORCE MASTER SYSTEM” for $997+ once I have all the testimonials I need and find some joint venture partners who wish to promote this course themselves.

The good news for you as a beta tester is you will get to ask questions and offer feedback that will be used to shape the final version months before it hits the market.

Because of the rarity and value of the information inside THE MIND FORCE MASTER SYSTEM and because of the benefits and unfair advantage that it gives to my few clients that have it.

I must insist that you agree to full confidentiality and non-disclosure or the information.

This is NOT negotiable and you cannot access THE MIND FORCE MASTER SYSTEM” at any price without agreeing to this one condition.

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed

I guarantee you'll see results providing you follow the prescribed methods contained in this system. I know this system works as it has for thousands of people from all over the world. If you go through all of the exercises and find they don't work for you, I'll continue to work with you until you get them to work... Most of my clients see results quickly, which means they will start to begin the manifestation process. I will show you exactly what you need to do to get magnificent results!

Contact our friendly support staff within 30 days and we'll offer you a full refund once you provide feedback on the course as well as the steps you took to get the program to work. It's as easy as that...

Guarantee: The Mind Force Master System is Your Pathway to Enlightenment...

What People Are Saying About The Mind Force Quantum Qigong System

“Trained with Many High Level Masters”

For any serious inner energy cultivator/practitioner, the Chi Power Blueprint is the real deal! I have studied with Indonesian Tenaga Dalam (Inner Energy) masters for five years and by far these training methods have provided me the missing key that I was looking for.
The techniques given seem "simple" at first glance, but sure deliver!  Sifu Perhacs definitely knows what he is doing. This provides a safe way to increase one's energy without the dangerous side effects associated with energy cultivation. I have seen and felt the energy increase in my own training to validate this program.
In my past training, I have experienced many different kinds of techniques and these methods are so efficient that I can practice anywhere and on the go. As for starters, the methods are practical and so useful that they benefit one's health and vitality right away. Also, the knowledge included in the courses is so valuable for any serious student of the arts to not pass up. To reinstate again, everything that they offer is really true! A true gem especially in the midst of so many so called energy programs and you don't have even leave for a foreign country to study.

-Farid Grander
Greenwood Village, CO, USA & Kuta, Bali, Indonesia

She Felt the Chi...

Message: OMG!!!!! yes i felt your chi. WOW I have to share this with you. I have been in the "rapid spiritual weightloss" and OMG I am having muscle twitches like mad and also blow light in house dailing along with circuit breakers and phone lines. THis all suddenly started. so i left amessage on a blog and it led me too you.
Love and LIght- Heather (From an email)

From an Email

Repels Attackers With His Chi Alone...

My name is Charles Dragoo and I have been a practitioner of the Chi-Power Blueprint now for Thirteen Years. I am a Martial Arts Instructor, teaching Wing Chun and the Internal Arts. I want to say that the Chi-Power Blueprint program will get you the desired results in the shortest amount of time.

As a result of the training in the Chi Power Blueprint, I can do many things that others only dream of doing. I can use the Chi to repel an attacker from a distance of 15 to 20 feet, Manipulate the movements of others using Chi, Move objects such as Cotton Balls hanging from a string, Run very long distances with no wear down, heal myself and others of pains, minor or major, and much, much more...

To me, the most important area of the Chi Power Blueprint is the Standing Meditation and the Blood Washing. The Blood Washing can be done physically or with the mind alone. I have just began doing it with only my mind and the results are amazing.

If you would like to experience any the above, please try it out and see for yourself that it Really works.


Charles Dragoo
South Carolina (Certified Instructor)

It Takes Time, But It's Worth It...

I have been using the Chi Power Blueprint for the past 20 years. Being very interested in the martial arts (Tai Chi and Kenjutsu). I have found their Advanced Chi Building courses very fulfilling, as Chi Kung is essential for any martial endeavor and advancement.

Through their tutelage and meditation/chi cultivation techniques and exercises, I have grown in ways I never truly expected, and have found new and profound control over myself, and thus, my surroundings. Most important in this expansion has been my understanding of the “autosuggestion” and self-control through personal mind control.

The techniques involved in addressing the subconscious has enabled me to find success in every aspect of my life, be it business, athletics, or romantic pursuits; proper thought in conjunction with the proper energy creates the desired effect or response from your environment.

It’s really that simple. And although it has taken quite a bit of time to not only get the concepts down, but to actually execute them, the training staff has been very patient in their mentoring, understanding that with hard work and diligence, baby steps turn into great athletic strides. By doing the work, and verifying their claims through my own research, I have found their words and intentions to not only be true, but selfless.

I whole-heartedly support and endorse the Chi Power Blueprint; they represent to me an answered prayer. The amount of knowledge and dedication with which they pursue these often overlooked or misguided concepts is without comparison. I honestly believe it would behoove anyone interested in these metaphysical arts and concepts to begin study with SPC USA as soon as possible; the gains and fruits behind their curriculum will exceed your expectations.


Don Emmanuel
New Jersey

They Did It, And So Can You, Click Here

Sure they are getting great results with our training, but what about you?

This type of training works when you're willing to put in the time and effort. Can you imagine what it will be like when you can do some of these wonderous things?

My email box is full of testimonials, comments and thank yous about our program, and I want you to see that there are others out there just like you that with a little dedication and training, can make this work fabulously...

This information has really changed the life of so many people , and I know it will change yours for the positive as well. Every single one of the concepts in this curriculum contains a special secret you can use in your journey to maximize your human potential.

Picture yourself having all of the power that this has to offer and you will start to feel better and better about your decision to buy this now. To feel the sense of accomplishment that this information will bring to you. Skills that if you had to learn elsewhere would cost you hundreds....No...Thousands of dollars to learn (and that's if you could even find someone to teach you them).

How would you feel, if only one of the techniques contained in this course worked for you and enabled you to have a major breakthrough, causing you to feel better mentally and physically? That would be fantastic wouldn't it?

Order today and you will be glad you made the decision to invest in yourself to be able to experience the excitement that life has to offer when you are at the top of your game and can naturally and effectively begin to build up your chi and mental energy dramatically.......

I'm so confident that you'll like the results you are going to get, I am willing to back it up with a full 60 day money back guarantee.

You Have My Guarantee That You Will Get These Techniques to Work for You, Learn How to maximize your chi energy in 60 Days (and in some cases less).

I’m not going to lie to you like some instructors do!

The truth is… Depending on how much time you decide to invest in this system, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be a “Master at Chi Power” in 60 days… for example, if you only do this every “now and then” it might realistically take longer than 60 days.

However, what I CAN guarantee is that if you apply these techniques you will definitely be able to start the process of getting in fantastic internal shape and learning some really unique skills.

You’ll learn all about how your internal chi energy really works, in easy to understand language… I’ll even let you in on the secrets that up until now have never been shared outside of my private students

Alright, I want to take any doubts or indecision you might have at this point, out of your head. Seriously, if you don’t take action, you will NEVER become the person you were meant to be… You’ll simply continue to struggle for years more with that thought of “what if”.

You’ll just keep procrastinating and making up lame excuses as to why you’re “gonna wait until next week” to start your journey.


Why not make the decision TODAY to finally learn an exact proven method of success to get your mind & body re-focused and become in control as well as the ability to re-create your life (if you desire).

I want you to realize that you have nothing to lose except maybe your old ways of thinking and doing. That’s why I’ve decided to offer you 100% unconditional money back guarantee if you do not successfully get this to work for you in 60 days.

You have a full 8 weeks to review the program and see for yourself as you begin on the journey of a lifetime through mind and spirit. If you are not satisfied with the information, we will give you a prompt and courteous refund.

It’s that simple.

Again-- This Might Not Be For You...

Life is a series of choices. I realize that not everyone will completely understand the power of my system. You may not be able to afford it or their might be some reason you truly think that you can’t follow the simple step-by-step instructions inside. That’s OK

Like my father used to say “Spit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one gets filled up faster” . If you only wish this would work, this is not for you, but if you have a burning desire to make a change in your life, then this could very well be exactly what you have been searching for.

Will you create your own future, be in charge of your destiny and rise to the top or will you be like everyone else in the middle? It’s 100% up to you.

If you’re a little afraid, don’t worry…that’s a good thing.

Think back on everything you’ve done that was truly worthwhile in your life. I’m talking about things like: asking that special someone on a date … learning to swim ..showing up for the first day of school … getting married … buying your first home … having a child.

What do all these things have in common?

Answer: FEAR.

Now think about your normal daily activities…things like: reading … watching TV … even attending a seminar … I think you’ll agree that none of them are all that scary. In fact, they’re probably downright comfortable!

But I want you to ask yourself, “Where have these activities got me so far?”

My guess is you won’t like the answer.

That’s why my advice is that you follow your fear…


Why is The Mind Force Master System Better than other systems?

What happens once I order? How quickly do I get access?

How long do I have access to the course?

What if I have a problem with the order?

How quickly will it take to learn all of this?

What do you mean by "Flight Time"?

Just Remember: Life is short, and you've been struggling with getting high level skills far too long...

Unless you take action today you run a grave risk of deeper levels of frustration, real anger over not living the life you deserve...

YET:  All of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step esoteric principles found in The Mind Force Library…

Imagine, right now, how it will feel the moment you KNOW you've finally found your answer to getting high performance esoteric skills…

Yet, today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility:

And take the action you KNOW is necessary today to put you on the track to REAL results, using a system that SIMPLY WORKS...

Try The Mind Force Library for 30 full days, on me... and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!

Regards & May You Find Your Desires,

A. Thomas Perhacs

P.S.: Here is the cold hard truth. I eat steak tonight no matter what choice you make. Let me explain. In the grand scheme of things my financial position will not be effected much by your decision to acquire my system.

However, your choice will have a HUGE impact on your future. This is really all about you and your dreams. Bottom line, it’s guaranteed and you can’t possible lose. Claim your copy today

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